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Obituary of Wayne Harvey
Wayne (Sonny) Harvey died peacefully in his home October 9, 2023. He was born in October of 1948 to Hazel and Elmer Harvey. His mom decided then and there to call him "Sonny", because he was born on a bright and beautiful sunny day.
Sonny graduated from high school in Belfast and went on to trade schools, working through the years as a longshoreman, fisherman, various stores, truck driving, carpentry, home repair, and in later years, trading in antiques.
He loved RV-ing around the country, wintering in Arizona and visiting his only daughter, Christa, and her family in Lacey, WA. During these journeys he and JoAnn, his wife of 55 years, toured many parks, historical landmarks, antique stores, and unique towns, making lifelong friends along the way.
Wayne painfully endured half a dozen illnesses without ever losing his sense of humor. He loved to make people laugh and cared deeply about those whom he chose to call "friend"
As his suffering increased his faith in God grew to accepting Jesus as his Savior, forgiving all, and being forgiven all. He prayed tenderly for those he loved as well as strangers across the street, in the news, or around the corner.
In his final days he lived very gratefully treasuring thoughts of his children: Eric, Christa, Brian, Scott, and their loving soul mates as well as 15 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. He also savored memories of his siblings: Linda, Keith, Cindy, Steve, (and Jeff, who passed on before him.)
A gathering in his honor will be reserved for immediate family, however, you are encouraged to view pictures, family connections, memories, and comments over the coming days and weeks, and it is our hope that you will add your own at RIPOSTAFH.COM each of you saying, "See ya later!" in your own special way.
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