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Tribute Wall
Memorial Service
10:00 am
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
UU Church of Belfast
37 Miller St.
Belfast, Maine, United States

Heather Mills posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Dear Eric, Ruthie and Janie,
I'm so sorry to hear of your wife/mother's passing. Cynthia was a very special woman. Know that her influence still lingers on in South Kingstown in both the women's and girls' softball leagues.
mari uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 31, 2025

My deep condolences dear Eric, Ruth, Jane, Mary, Judy, Susie, Ruthie and families.
Cynthia, my beautiful friend. I love you. I will miss you. Thank you for all you gave me. You will always live in my heart.
(This photo is from the '70's, on a trip to NYC visiting my parents; we were roommates then in Somerville, MA)
Emmeline Westcott Zinno lit a candle
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

I am forever grateful for you in my life! A second mother I never knew I needed! I love you with all my heart! I carry you within me in my daily life and apply all my lessons for the better in me. My love of baseball stems from you! My athletic ability is taught from you. Leadership skills are taught from you as you were the most intense and adventurous Girl Scout leader ever!!!!!
You took me in when I had no one, you loved me like I was your own daughter. I love you Cynthia for being you! I can’t imagine my life without you in it for you have really touched my life in so many positive ways. You made me think outside the box, you made me feel it was okay to different and be proud of it, because of you I have so much knowledge imbedded into my life that I will carry and pass on to my children. Thank you for stars and the planets! Thank you for camping and sailing! Thank you for loving me! I love you Cynthia !
Lawrence Reichard posted a condolence
Sunday, January 19, 2025
I am very sorry to hear about Cynthia's passing. She was always sweet, kind, friendly and supportive to me. She always took a genuine interest in my work, and I always remembered her by her wonderful smile. I will miss her. Lawrence Reichard
Tatsu Isaji uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 19, 2025

Cynthia visited Japan some time before ~1990. I think I met her in Tokyo and traveled together to my sister's place, Mito.
Cynthia mentioned that she had a lunch and then visited a coffee shop, 喫茶店 in Tokyo. That recalled my college student life, buying cheap lunch and spending more for a good cup of coffee.
Cynthia sure knows how to appreciate and enjoy good things wherever she goes.
Patricia Anne Likos uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, January 18, 2025

So many lovely times and precious moments with Cynthia, Eric and Jolly, at Flea Island! much love anniePat
Tommy Likos uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 17, 2025




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Ruth Lang posted a condolence
Friday, January 17, 2025
Mom had an infectious childlike joy that comes across in the photo of her with the ball and cup toy and was also evident in how she played with children, including her grandchildren. She leaves a hole in the hearts of many who will always remember her.
Wendy Armstrong lit a candle
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Dearest Eric, Ruth and Jane, we send you and your family our deepest condolences for your loss of an amazing Mother, wife, friend. I will always remember Cynthia and Aunt Ann at the scrabble table overlooking the gut and Flea Island. Blessings to you Cynthia for your beautiful life, and to your family and friends. You will be missed but always in our hearts. Wendy Armstrong & Paul Bianchi
The family of Cynthia Ciani Anderson uploaded a photo
Monday, January 13, 2025

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